Weekend Getaways

Weekend Getaways

Sign up for free, and save at least 40% on your next weekend trip! Just $2.99 after your first booking.

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How It Works
Choose your destination
Select the city you wish to explore. We’ll find and deliver the best deals to you. All for just $2.99 / month

(and the first month’s free!)

Receive deals with to 85% off
Every week, we’ll send you handpicked hotel deals with at least 40% off, delivered straight to your inbox.

Book your perfect weekend getaway
Reserve your hotel, pack your bags, and experience an unforgettable weekend getaway.

Travel to places like
Paris, France
Eiffel Tower
Rome, Italy
The Coliseum
London, UK
Big Ben

We help you discover and book the perfect stay at a rate you'll love. Choose a destination to view deals available:

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